Northstar services range from local drayage to regional and over the road trucking. Our staff of experienced trucking professionals and a dedicated fleet of owner-operators provide our customers with fast, safe and cost-efficient movement of our customer's container shipments.
Northstar Transport Service
9850 New Berlin Road,
Jacksonville, FL 32226
Phone: 904-475-2858
Fax: 904-475-2863
Email: jacksonville@nstransport.com
Terminal Manager
Rickey Dominick Ext. 575
Phone: 904-219-2051
Email: rickey.dominick@nstransport.com
Rickey has been in the trucking and transportation industry since 1980 working at various positions learning all facets of the business. He has held management positions at Trillium Drivers and Greencore USA and most recently was Terminal Manager at Pro Transport’s Jacksonville terminal. Rickey joined Northstar in May of 2019 as our Jacksonville Terminal Manager.
Sandra Morelli Ext. 577
Phone: 904-583-6209
Email: sandra.morelli@nstransport.com
Sandra has been working in the Logistics industry since 1980. She began her career at Advanced Warehousing/Disliva Trucking. She moved on to be an Administrative Assistant over the next 2 decades for a major Food Broker. For the past 5 years, Sandra has worked as a fleet manager and customer service in Intermodal dealing with Jacksonville local ports & railroads.